It was 2006 and the capital was gearing up for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 当时是2006年,北京正快马加鞭准备2008年奥运会。
A common perception about capital structure is that as capital gearing is increased the weight average cost of capital falls at first. 通常对于资本结构的感觉是随着资本负债比率的增加,加权平均资金成本会先降低。
Second, banks should welcome attempts to raise capital and lower gearing, over time. 其次,随着时间的推移,银行应该对提高资本、降低负债比率的做法表示欢迎。
The ratio of a company's long-term funds with fixed interest to its total capital. A high gearing is generally considered very speculative. 长期混合利息资本占总资本的比例。该比例过高通常被认为是过于投机的。
The expected capital raisings should help companies bring down their gearing ratios, the amount of debt they borrow in relation to market capitalisation. 预期中的融资应会帮助企业降低杠杆比率,即债务与资本的比率。
I have a talk about three basic conceptions, say, capital gearing, asset structure and debt structure, and their relationship. 在此基础上,研究了资本结构、资产结构和债务结构三个基本概念及其相互关系,并提出了笔者自己的看法。
At the same time, debt structure is just a special kind of capital gearing. 而债务结构只是一种特殊的资本结构。
Although the Beijing Olympics is still four years away, the Chinese capital is already gearing up to host the event. 尽管距北京奥运会还有四年之久,但中国首都已经在为主办这次盛事而蓄势待发。
After introducing the relatively basic concepts, I point out the meaning of optimizing capital gearing is that it is good to: ( 1) deduce capital cost; 笔者在弄清了有关的基本概念以后,指出了优化资本结构的意义是:(1)有利于降低企业的资本成本;
The Chinese capital is gearing up to celebrate the one-year countdown to the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games on August 8. 北京正在为2008年8月8日奥运会开幕式倒计时一周年作紧张的准备。
The capital regulation of financial holding company should resolve such problems as escaping from regulation, capital arbitrage, double gearing and excessive leverage, and so on. 金融控股公司资本监管应当主要解决逃避资本监管、资本套利、资本重复计算和杠杆率过高等问题。